Special Programs

In order to address the varying needs of our students, Kinoshita offers a variety of programs for our parents and students. The following are descriptions of those programs. |
Big Brothers and Big Sisters High School Bigs Program |
Through a partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Orange County, we are proud to announce the addition of the High School Bigs Mentoring Program to Kinoshita. The program is a school-based mentoring program where carefully screened and trained high school students (Bigs) act as mentors to elementary school students (Littles). Mentoring/tutoring is done after school one afternoon per week at the elementary school site. Each after-school session is supervised by Big Brothers Big Sisters staff. |
On-Site Counseling |
Kinoshita has a full-time counselor on our site thanks to District and Title I funds that help pay for 5 days of counseling services. The counselor helps students overcome any fear or apprehension they have about coming to school, discuss any obstacles they are facing that prevent them from learning, along with working on social skills and other friendship building activities. |
Operation School Bell |
Thanks to the Assistance League of Capistrano Valley, those students unable to afford proper clothing and uniforms, as well as undergarments, toothbrushes and other basic necessities can receive those free of charge by contacting the school office. |
Music |
Students in 4th and 5th grades receive music class every week. They are permitted to choose between band, strings or choir. We also offer Primary Music for all TK-3rd-grade students. |
Academic Support |
Students academic needs are Kinoshita’s #1 priority. We regularly assess and implement a tiered research-based intervention program to ensure that all students are learning at the highest levels. The teachers and staff know our students not only by name but by need as well. |
Technology |
Kinoshita offers a variety of technology for its students: a one-to-one ratio of Chromebooks for students in grades 2nd-5th. Students in grades TK-1st share the computer lab. Kinoshita utilizes research-based software programs in the classrooms and in our labs to maximize student learning. |